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On this page you will find the different options available on the homepage.
If this is your initial enrollment or you have canceled your enrollment, you will see the "I want to enroll" option. To start your enrollment, just click on this option.
If you have already enrolled and confirmed your information, you will be able to "Modify Enrollment" or "Cancel Enrollment" to start over only if the enrollment period is not complete.
If you access the site after your enrollment period ends, you will not be able to make changes to your enrollment.
When you have a significant change in your life, you can make changes to your file at any time during the year as a life event. The change must be made within 31 days of the date of the change. You will not be able to make any changes after this period has elapsed. The available life events are:
Marriage, common-law relationship or civil union
Birth, adoption or addition of a child
Divorce, legal separation, or end of a common-law relationship
Death of a dependent
Gain or loss of coverage under spouse’s plan
End of a dependent child’s eligibility