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If you are disabled due to sickness or injury, Long Term Disability provides you with an income while you are away from work. You must choose from the following coverages.

Option 1 66 2/3% of first $2,250 of monthly earnings
50% of the next $25,000
Maximum benefit - $14,000/month
Benefit Period - 5 years or age 65 whichever occurs first
Option 2 66 2/3% of first $2,250 of monthly earnings
50% of the next $25,000
Maximum benefit - $14,000/month
Benefit Period - to age 65
Option 3 66 2/3% of first $2,250 of monthly earnings
50% of the next $25,000
COLA (cost of living) to age 65 (3% maximum)
Maximum benefit - $14,000/month
Benefit Period - to age 65

Under each option, the total benefit including other income (such as CPP/QPP benefits) may not exceed:

  • 85% of pre-disability after-tax earnings.
Making Choices:

Choose the LTD coverage you want. You must choose one of the three options.

Tax Facts: If you buy LTD with your Flex Dollar Allowance this premium amount will be added to your income so that if you become disabled you will not have to pay tax on any income you receive from the LTD plan. If you buy LTD through payroll deduction or a combination of Flex Dollars and payroll deduction any income you receive from the LTD plan will be tax-free as well.
Coverage Level: Choose the coverage level from the drop down box by selecting Option 1, 2 or 3.
Payment Method: Flex Dollars, payroll deduction or a combination.


The following is a further description of some of the specific elements of your LTD plan. If you have further questions about the coverages offered under each option contact your Human Resources department.
Evidence of Insurability
  • Medical evidence will be required on insurance over $10,500 and to increase LTD coverage on subsequent re-enrollments.


(Option 3 only)

  • On the first of January each year the monthly income is increased based on the increases in the Consumer Price Index but shall not exceed 3%. The increase commences on the first of January following the payment of the initial monthly installment.
Maximum Disability Period
  • Benefits will be payable for either a five year period only or to your age 65 (depending on the Option selected).
  • Benefits will not be payable beyond age 65, unless you satisfy the Qualifying Disability Period while age 64, in which case benefits will be payable for a maximum of 12 months.
Pre-existing Conditions
  • No benefits are payable for any disability beginning within twelve months of your effective date of insurance if the disability is caused by, partly attributable to or is a consequence of a sickness or injury for which you have received medical treatment or services or took prescription drugs or medicine within ninety days before your effective date of insurance.
Qualifying Disability Period
  • The greater of 120 days or the end of the benefit period provided under the Short Term Disability Income benefit.
Recurrent Disability
  • If a disability recurs and it is due to the same or related causes, it will be considered as one continuous disability and will not be subject to the Qualifying Disability Period unless you have returned to active, full-time employment for a period of 6 consecutive months or longer.
  • If new disability is due to unrelated causes you may be eligible for a new disability period, subject to the Qualifying Disability Period, if you have returned to active work for at least one full day.
Reductions and Integration of Benefits
  • The monthly income payable under this benefit will be reduced by any disability or retirement benefit which is payable or which would have been payable had you made satisfactory application under:

  •  -  The Canada/Quebec Pension Plans
     -  A Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) act or equivalent provincial act.
     -  A provincial auto insurance law.
     -  Any other government plan.
  • The amount of disability income is reduced so that the sum of all income, compensation, indemnity and benefits for which you would be eligible on account of disability, from your employer, a government body, or under any group insurance or pension plan in which your employer contributes, may not exceed 85% of your net monthly income determined at the onset of disability.
Rehabilitative Employment
  • If you are disabled, the Insurer may recommend that you undergo some suitable rehabilitative training program which would take into account the nature and limitations of your disability.
  • In the event of any payment under this coverage, the Insurer shall be subrogated to all of your rights of recovery therefore against any person or organization and you shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. You shall do nothing to prejudice such rights.
Survivor Benefit
  • Upon your death, the payments will continue for a total of three monthly payments, without exceeding your sixty-fifth birthday, had you been living, payable to your spouse, if living or to your children, if living.
Total Disability
  • You are considered totally disabled, during the first 24 months in which you receive benefits, if you are unable to perform any and every duty of your occupation. After this period you are considered totally disabled if you are unable to perform any and every duty of any occupation for which you are reasonably qualified by training, education or experience.
Waiver of Premium
  • If receiving Long Term Disability benefits, Maritime Life will waive the payment of premiums beginning with the premium for the first full policy month for which benefits became payable and continuing for each full policy month for which benefits are payable.
  • Injury or illness resulting from civil unrest, insurrection or war, whether war be declared or not, or participation in a riot.
  • Self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane.
  • Flight or attempted flight on board a plane or other aircraft if you are part of the crew or perform any function relating to the flight, or participate in the flight as a parachutist.
  • Injury or illness resulting from committing, attempting to commit, or provoking an assault or criminal offense.
  • The policy does not cover loss caused by or resulting from any one or more of the following:

  •  -  intentionally self-inflicted injuries, suicide or any attempt at suicide;
     -  declared or undeclared war or act;
     -  accident occurring while serving on full-time active duty in the Armed Forces of any country or international authority (any premium paid to be returned by ACE INA pro-rata for any such period of full-time active duty);
     -  travel or flight in any vehicle or device for 1) navigation beyond the earth's atmosphere, or 2) aerial navigation (including hang-gliding and parachuting except for self-preservation).
Termination of Benefit
  • Age 65 or earlier retirement.
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