As a Lifemark employee you have the opportunity to purchase additional life insurance, in units of $10,000, to a maximum of $500,000, (basic life and optional life combined). Please select the number of units you wish to purchase.
If enrolling for the first time, all amounts of insurance are subject to evidence of insurability. Any increase in coverage will also require evidence of insurability.
The cost of your optional life insurance is dependent on the amount of coverage chosen, your age, gender and smoker status. Payment of your optional life insurance premiums are made through payroll deductions and will not commence until your evidence of insurability has been approved.
Beneficiary Designation
In the event of your passing, optional life insurance is payable to the beneficiary you have named under your basic life insurance benefit or in the absence of such designation, to your Estate.
Termination of Coverage
Your optional life insurance ends on the earlier of retirement, termination of employment or age 65.
For more information regarding your optional life insurance please refer to your FlexLife Benefits Guide and your Medavie Blue Cross benefits booklet.