Dependent Enrollment


On this page you can reivew, change and edit your current dependent informaiton.

Your dependents are:

a) Your spouse is defined as a person of the opposite or same sex who is legally married to you, or has continuously resided with you for not less than one full year having been represented as members of a conjugal relationship (common law). In the event of divorce, legal separation, or discontinuance of cohabitation ("common law" spouse), you may elect to continue membership of the former spouse or to provide notice to the Company to terminate coverage for the spouse. The Company will at no time provide coverage for more than one spouse under the same plan.

b) Unmarried dependent children who are financially dependent on you are eligible for benefits, if they are:

- less than 21 years of age or,

- if 21 years of age but less than 26 years of age, they must be attending an accredited educational institution, college or university on a full time basis, or

- regardless of their age, if they live with you and have become totally and permanently disabled before age 21 (or age 26 if a student).

For further assistance with your decision please contact your benefits administration at or call 1-855-834-4583.