Health Care


Provincal health insurance provides a basic level of coverage for most medical and hospital services.

With the Choices and Opportunities Benefit Program, you are offered additional health coverage for expenses such as prescription drugs, semiprivate or private hospital room coverage, vision and hearing care, paramedical services and medical supplies. The health options are designed to provide you with a reasonable range of coverage at an affordable cost.

Health, hospitalization, vision care, hearing, paramedical and prescription drugs coverage make up your available health coverage option.

If you click on the information icon you will be provided with a brief description about that option.


The difference between the options are in the:

COINSURACE: The percent of coverage expenses the plan pays. You pay the amount not covered by the plan.

EXPENSES REIMBURSED: Each option level has different coverage and reimburses expenses at different levels. For example, Vision Care and Hearing Aids are provided only with Option B and C and, with Option C, they are reimbursed at a higher amount. In general, price tags increase from Option A to B to C.